Blogjune 2014 List

If you’d like to be added to this list: use this form If you’re wondering what this is all about, read this.

Being and Becoming

Flexnib  by @flexnib

GraemeO28 Librarian and Biker

Octopus Librarian by @ajwillemse91

Pondering Libraries by @shewgirl

Running to the Sea by @lor_rahh

sallysetsforth by @sallysetsforth

Too many words to tweet by @lgreenpd

reading360 by @alisonwrote

The world is quiet here by @stokesrenee

infoliterati by @infoliterati

Baked Bliss by @Chris_Lib

sky between branches by @hrasgelveritas

There she goes by @stephmcg

Librarian hiding in the wopwops by @BeezilBeard

Geocaching Librarian by @GeocachingLibn


datalibsam by @datalibsam

Read, watch, play, participate by @ellenforsyth

Water water everywhere by @librarianhoi

//icecjan/ by @icecjan

Connecting Librarian by @michelleamclean

the Spiralling Shape by @wendyldavis

Where the Rivers Meet the Sea by @sharonu

untitled by @SonjaBarfoed

Leaps n Bounds by @acrystelle

The Empty Nest by @acivillibrarian

Strawberries of Integrity by @KatieTT

Librarians Matter by @libsmatter

The Library Ghost by @kylastephan

Hello World by @rachwray

Who are these kids and why are they calling me mum? by @newgradlib

Bun-Toting Librarian by @FiFYI

The Foodie Librarian by @katejf

Tidbit for Today

make things good by @pianica

UNLV Linked Data Blog by @unlvdig

librarykris by @librarykris

KiwiLibrarian by @KiwiLibrarian

Blogfest at Tiffany’s by @LibrarianCat

Two New Librarians by @LeeBess1 and @MichelleCoxsen

Third Class Rooster by @stickstitchmix

Jackie of No Trade by @jackielb79

Learner Bytes by @colwar

METASARAH by @meta_sarah

when the moon shines by @katiedavis

Yaketty by @ksaundersO

Ideas come from everything by @swinlib

I dwell in possibility by @kalgrl

Bonito Club by @bonitoclub

Perfection is Death by @actorvius

Portfolio of a librarian student by @Ms_NicolaMarie

In Transition by @ozgelibrarian

An Turas by @gypsy_librarian

Rachael’s Ravings by @oz_bandicoot

 Karen’s 23 Mobile Things by @karentoittoit

micameerbach by @micameerbach

Stilgherrian by @stilgherrian

Talking Under Random Dribble by @hornykitten

Decoding the New Economy by @paulwallbank

The Hooded Librarian by @kanjhiba

Caterpillar Contemplations

WP Plugin Discovery by @JDsTwitticles

A Stitch in Time by @stitchsarah

Mel’s ponderings by @melchivers

Context Junky by @mikejonesmelb

Querying Libraries by @infoseer

Hmmm… by @KRidwyn

Katrina Macdonald by @KatrinaMacADL

Speak Your Truth by @libr4ry_girl

Writing of Kayleen Reusser by @Kjreusser

iPlay iLearn iTeach by @turnbullchris


Librarian’s Web2.0 Travels by @jacameron1

Justgirlwithshoes by @girlwithshoes

seanfish by @seanfish

inthemailbox by @morethangrass

Random thoughts of ME by @TimsRedPants

Amanda’s Athenaeum by @amandaea129

International Librarians Network by @InterLibNet

Bibliotheque Bound by @libridol

OnDusk by @SivParker

Not Quite Cooked by @leesawatego

ALIA Sydney by @ALIASyd


Alisa 27 May 2014 Reply

Oh dear, I don’t think I’m on the list. I’ll most likely be blogging from my ‘other’ blog this year ‘Leaps n Bounds’ at Many thanks for compiling the list Con! Cheers

flexnib 28 May 2014 Reply

You’re in now, thanks Alisa! 🙂

I haven’t found a way to automate the list so after people fill in the form I have to add their details by hand to this post. Hence the delay. Just so everyone knows – thanks for your patience!

Also, given that I manually copy your details in to this post, if you notice any errors please let me know. (flexnib at gmail.) 🙂

Hiba 1 June 2014 Reply

Very exciting!

Steven Chang 1 June 2014 Reply

Thanks for adding me to the list! Looking forward to engaging with the tsunami of blog posts that all 50-something of us will be writing 🙂

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