Wrongful post #1

Is there no way to delete a post?


Israd 8 June 2005

there is a way. you click on the blogger button at the top left hand corner of your screen. Then click on your blog at the list that comes out. You’ll get a screen that shows a list of your posts. Here you can select which posts you want to edit or delete.

btw thats a cute cat.

CherryRipe 8 June 2005

Ah, you beat me to it, Israd!

CW: ’tis good to see you in the blogosphere at long last.

CW 8 June 2005

Why thank you, Israd! Nice to meet you ๐Ÿ™‚

Hiya Cherry! Yes, let’s see if this time I stick with it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Of course, now there are comments with this post, I can’t possibly delete it!