I was going to write about something I read in the 29 October issue of New Scientist this morning, but I am too tired at the moment. You know how some mornings you wake up and think ‘This must be a mistake, it can’t be morning yet…”? Well, this was one of those mornings. Thank goodness it’s the weekend tomorrow.
That 29 October issue was a special issue, with some really interesting articles on the nature of creativity. But, as I am feeling like a wrung out tea towel this morning, I am lacking enough creative juices to do a post on creativity any justice.
Hopefully the day is not too challenging. I have a fair amount to do today, including writing an agenda for a conference call, preparing to train my colleagues on blogging next week, scripting a podcast, and writing a presentation on ‘new’ technology and its impact on librarians libraries (Freudian slip, I do feel like something has impacted on me this morning, like a bus).
3:32pm. YAWN. I thought the day might improve as it went on and i got stuck into my to do list, but at the moment I am asleep with my eyes open. It doesn’t help that I am slowly and painfully trying to write a glossary at the moment. Time to do something else…
technorati tags: Fridayitis