CW the Cheesy

Cheesy Con
Originally uploaded by CW.

LOL.. It seems some librarians are making librarian trading cards now. I just had to make one of me too.

The site that made this possible: Flagrant Disregard’s Flickr Toys.

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Miss L 21 November 2005

Wow, your name is Constance? Never would have picked that.

CW 21 November 2005

What would you have guessed my name as? πŸ˜›

Imagine what a millstone it was, growing up with a name like Constance in a country like Malaysia… I hated it then, but I like it now.

and by the way, call me Con. No one calls me Constance except people who don’t really know me. And no one calls me Connie except my gran! πŸ˜‰

tfp 21 November 2005

So- no more anonymity huh? Hahaha

mooiness 21 November 2005

echoing tfp: oh no! no more anonymity! πŸ™‚

CW 21 November 2005

Guys, I haven’t been really anonymous for ages anyway – if you clicked on any Flickr pictures I uploaded here you would have been able to see my name emblazoned across my Flickr account πŸ™‚

Miss L 21 November 2005

I kinda pictured you more as a Christine, but perhaps cos it’s such a common name. Kinda like Michael or David. Any guy could potentially be a Michael or a David… but Con’s nice too.

Hahah! I can’t even begin to imagine what growing up in M’sia with a name like Constance would be like. Did you have anyone say your name properly? Malaysians tend not to be good with the ‘nce’ sound, I’ve found.

ann 21 November 2005

My mother (born in Malaysia) has great difficulty with the name Prudence/Prue. This came to light when she became hooked on “Charmed”. She always says it “Plooo” and when she’s excited (wizard about to kill someone or that kind of thing) it becomes “Poo”.

It’s funny how you hate your name when you’re a kid, but then it grows on you as you get older (same for me).

CW 21 November 2005

Yeh, most people couldn’t say my name properly. It usually came out something like “Constan”. My Dad named me that because 1) being Catholic, needed a Christian name for me, 2) liked the name, and 3) “didn’t want a common name like Annie or Sharon” (I’m quoting him here). This last reason also explains two of my sisters’ names (I need to check if I can ‘expose’ them here, let’s just say they aren’t common either.