Stupid senseless acts

Why do people do senseless things? Here’s Senseless Act Number One. Yesterday at the library where I work some of my colleagues were greeted with the pleasant sight of human excrement stuffed into our overnight returns chute. It was a complete and utter mess. Some books were irreparably damaged and had to be thrown away, and a few of my colleagues had the pleasant task of scrubbing the area.

The offensive matter had been stuffed into a takeaway food container. I can’t imagine what sort of joy that must have induced in the vandals: “Gee, I’m bored, let’s have a dump… ooh, let’s pick up the shit and stick it in this food box.. hmmm.. where should we put it? Aha – what fun it would be to give it to the library!! Woohoo!” There’s some sort of premeditation, thought (can I go that far and call it that?) involved here! I mean, when I have a number two, I never ever EVER consider doing anything but flushing it down the toilet…

And Senseless Act Number Two. Yesterday CherryRipe’s best friend’s car was burnt out, gutted, while parked in their building’s garage. It’s possible this was done ‘because’ the car was parked in someone else’s spot, but to my mind, this is no reason to completely and utterly destroy the car. Whatever happened to leaving a somewhat rude note on the windshield? Or complaining to the building management? Or lying in wait to see who the car belongs to and telling the person off to their face? … I mean, hello? To the person responsible, I think you might need help from a trained health professional here. (We’re only surmising that this is the ‘reason’ for such an extreme, violent act. As far as I’m concerned there can be no justifiable reason for doing such a thing. None.)

To me, both these acts just speak of complete and utter selfishness and a lack of consideration for how you will affect other people. I mean, inserting faeces into a library overnight returns chute is just so much fun, isn’t it? Isn’t that what an overnight returns chute is for?? So, next time someone parks in my spot, I’ll blow up their car. If someone cuts me off on the freeway I’ll bash them up, put them in hospital. And next time I take a taxi, I won’t pay the fare, I’ll just take the taxi and hey, what’s a taxi driver anyway? What is wrong with some people?



mooiness 31 January 2006

Damn what a sight to go back to after CNY. I’m very very dismayed by all that has happened to you and Cherry – and not to mention the poor taxi driver and his family too.

What’s as bad is I can bet you that their parents would just say that they are young and bored – we’ve heard that before in the course of running our business. *sigh*

When the parents are hopeless, you can’t expect the kids to be any better.

intint 31 January 2006

Both the incidents you describe are really, really beyond appalling!

I hate the thought of books being thrown away, for whatever reason. And car park wars…sometimes it’s unbelievable how ridiculous people can be; how seriously they take themselves.

i just had to mention also: the word verification I got for posting this comment is ‘ucfkya’…

laura 31 January 2006

How awful! My sympathies to all involved!

Cozalcoatl 31 January 2006

shit…or maybe not. Thats so horrible, and totally off the planet. So sorry about all of it.
I can’t wrap my head around what makes people think like that.
Makes me what to lock all doors and be my happy Troll, least she kills and destroys for a noble reason- money and loot. (flippant i know…sorry:)

CW 31 January 2006

Awful, innit, Mooiness? I wonder how old the people involved (in all three incidents) are. I know what you mean about parents, but I think there comes a time where blaming parents for all one’s misdemeanours is just passing the buck. I’m sure all our parents made mistakes (and I would too, if I had kids) but I like to think we all have some responsibility for our actions…

Anna, yes, definitely beyond appalling 🙁
(oh and the word you got is the most.. er.. expressive.. one I’ve seen so far)

Thanks Laura! 🙂

Thanks, Coz. Yes, a bit of escapism is good at times, to forget about all the crap. Can’t wait until I have some time to escape (very busy at work at the moment)…

CherryRipe 2 February 2006

For the conclusion to Senseless Act Number Two, see this post.

CW 2 February 2006

Thanks for that, Cherry. I’m glad to hear that it wasn’t vengeful neighbours!