A day in the life…

The academic year is beginning, and the busiest, most exhausting time of year has started for me at work. This is the time of year where I have to meet-and-greet hundreds of new students, give numerous presentations on library resources, research skills, referencing, EndNote and whatever else a new student wants to know about these days, and attend way too many meetings. While keeping up with all my usual tasks and working on projects I have been assigned. We had our annual planning half-day yesterday, and all the things I have against my name sound like gimmicks: RSS, blog, wiki, Shibboleth

Yesterday I started work at 7:50am and didn’t finish until 7pm. This morning I actually feel hungover and like I should be sleeping until at least noon. Instead, I am going to go to work very soon, to try and finish a document I am writing to inform my colleagues about The Joys of Wiki (this is going to be hard as I don’t feel too joyful about wiki-anything at the moment!), answer sixty reference queries and go to a two-hour meeting in the afternoon.



Kris 1 February 2006

Two hour meetings are no fun! I had one today also 🙁 Best of luck! Godspeed!!

CW 2 February 2006

Thanks Kris 🙂 Two hour meetings are awful, especially in the afternoon when i am feeling lethargic and completely intelligent… (I survived though!)

CW 2 February 2006

Doh! I meant unintelligent!! >.<

Israd 3 February 2006

CW are you working at the main library of the university or at one of the departmental libraries? How big is it? Just wondering..

Would be nice to see a picture of your library too..

No I am not a stalker hehe..

CW 5 February 2006

Hi Israd, I work in the main library of the university 🙂 I don’t think it’s a very big library, in terms of the size of the collection, but the building itself is large (6 floors). I can’t seem to find any pictures of the library, but you can take a look at our website, if you’re interested. (You might even be able to find me 😉