Five things meme

I love it when I get tagged just by being a bystander. As seen at the Abstract Gourmet’s.

5 items in the freezer

  1. A half empty tub of vanilla icecream. I don’t know how long it’s been in there, but there are ice crystals all through it.
  2. An empty icecube tray. I don’t know where the icecubes went…
  3. Numerous containers of petrified food. I think it might be a good idea to label stuff better before I freeze it so that it doesn’t feel so nervewracking when I look in the freezer.
  4. Peas. Corn.
  5. Lots of ice. Freezer needs cleaning…

5 items in my closet
I don’t actually have a closet – my clothes hang on a cast iron clothes rack.

  1. A set of baju kurung. (This is a very traditional Malay women’s costume – a long sleeved tunic worn over a matching sarong). It was a gift from my Mum, bought last year when she went to Malaysia for a holiday. I have only worn it around the house.
  2. My old chef’s gear. The jackets are looking a tad dusty these days. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned the adventures I had as an apprentice chef, have I?
  3. Lots of jackets. Seven of them. Why do I have so many jackets??
  4. Two silk shirts.
  5. Lots of scarves, all handknitted by my gran.

5 items in my car
We have one car between us.

  1. Black akubra hat belonging to M. Not sure why it’s in the car.
  2. Bouncy faux rubber ball, the sort you buy out of those big globes of glass – stick a coin in, turn the key and a toy comes out.
  3. Unicycle. It’s actually in the boot. M’s ‘spare’.
  4. Calico bags for shopping. No plastic please!
  5. Dirt tracked in from outside. Is that an ‘item’?

5 items in my purse
Like the Abstract Gourmet, I don’t have a purse, either. I use a men’s wallet.

  1. Membership card for the Australian Library and Information Association.
  2. Public library card. Reminds me, I haven’t been to the library in ages…
  3. M’s old student card. He has shoulder length hair and looks much much younger. I like the picture, which is why I rescued it from the bin, and why it’s been in my wallet ever since.
  4. Driver’s licence. I wish they would let me reuse this photo next time I need to renew my licence. In every other licence I either look like a muppet or like I’m on drugs. The current photo makes me look like a normal human being.
  5. A book of stamps, for when I get the urge to write a card or letter and want to send it immediately.

5 random things (because this is a five things meme)

  1. I was listening to the Cocteau Twins‘ album Blue Bell Knoll while writing this.
  2. We saw Superman Returns today. Meh. (I fell asleep at one point, which I didn’t think was possible in a superhero action movie.)
  3. There are eight Buddha statues in my study.
  4. The house smells like raisin toast at the moment.
  5. I love drinking cups of tea while listening to the music and using my computer.

I love memes. Over at Vox, there seems to be a tradition developing of a daily meme – the QOTD or Question of the Day. Today’s was What’s Your Worst Travelling Story?



sirexkat 1 July 2006

Must you? It’s midnight…but if I don’t spill this one over into my blog then I’ll wake up at 3am (or 5!am) trying to list things in my freezer.

CW 1 July 2006

Imagine my teeth-gritting, saving it for the weekend so I could do it justice 🙂

jl 3 July 2006

So, that’s a non-recommendation for Superman Whatever, then? 😉

CW 3 July 2006

I dunno. If you’re a Superman fan then I say go for it. (I’m not, particularly)

I found it too slow to start, and then too long.. and I got frustrated with the love interest thing (won’t say too much, don’t want to give it away), and the lack of character development… also, c’mon!! Don’t tell me no one figured out Clark Kent = Superman??!?! Okay, okay I had a Suspension of Disbelief issue as well.. ;P