Aggregator madness

Sirexkat checks her aggregator to see if there are new posts from her own blog. I don’t do that, but I do check after I’ve posted.. does that count? I tell myself I’m making doubly sure there are no spelling mistakes or really bad grammatical errors in my post, but I think a big part of it, if I am honest, is that I like seeing the post in the aggregator. I’m sure it’s just me.

Another weird thing I like to do with my aggregator is to save posts from my favourite sites or blogs and leave them to read all at once. It’s like having double, or triple, or quadruple servings of cookie dough icecream (but without the nausea). I love saving up my Unshelved, Calvin and Hobbes and Dilbert cartoons and reading a few of them in a row.

I did this while I was on holidays recently – saved up two weeks’ worth of comics. Then, on the afternoon of the Monday when I got back to work and I was teetering precipitously over the open maw of the hell that was my email (sorry, I’m listening to Agnus Dei from Fauré’s Requiem and feeling very dramatic), I looked at all the cartoons and felt much cheered up. Of course this does not happen with most sites, which, as soon as I see have updated, I have to go take a look.

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jl 5 July 2006

I do the same with Dilbert. I read them all every Saturday morning, roll around the floor laughing for a good two or three minutes and then the work week is forgotten.

CW 6 July 2006

Sometimes Dilbert is the only thing about contemporary work life that makes sense 😛