Last night’s launch went well, despite some last minute technological glitches. (Thanks to KS and JJ for your wonderful assistance – we couldn’t have done it without you!) Picture sixteen librarians crammed into a small room, and me and sirexkat doing our best to regale our audience with tales of the joys of the blogosphere.
Most of the attendees were not already blogging – but it was good to finally meet Hoi and catch up with Sputty (hope we inspired you enough to keep going!). Here’s the start of great things… and much blogging!
After the first event sirexkat and I decided we did have enough energy to drop in on the bloggers at the monthly meetup. It was great to see Toxic Purity, Skribe and JOOB (even though he was asleep – babies do that I guess), Dee, Simone, Kay, and Richard (barcamp – interesting. Can it happen in Perth?). There were at least four other bloggers there too but I didn’t manage to say hi. And Jon, did you make it? (I was late.) Next time!
Categories: blogging, conference, ALIA, Click06, bloggers, meetup
Aiyah, I sat down after dinner to clean up some code and was so engrossed that when I looked up it was already 8:30 🙁
On the flipside, I’m closer to the next project release.
Congrats on the launch. Good to see the biblosphere coming together on a great idea.
Hey thanks for the launch!! So glad I was there BUT, I can’t forgive myself for forgetting to bring along my cam to capture this WE ARE THE FIRST moment. arghhh…
Last night was cool. But. Didn’t we want to start meeting in Borders or something? 🙂
Jon! How geeky of you 🙂 Never mind lah, next time also can… And thanks for the good wishes!
Hoi, no worries. Pity about the camera. You know I have been known to bring a camera with me to things, and completely forget about it? Looking forward to more blogging with you!
Toxicpurity we can meet in Borders anytime! When? 🙂
Um… weekends? End of month meet-ups? You might want to make a post to see what everyone else thinks.