Penat lelah

Penat tak terkira pagi ini. Kalau boleh, ingin aku tidur terus sahaja. Tiada minat untuk masuk kerja langsung.

Blog pagi semalam telah saya tag dengan kata ‘renungan’. Entah kenapa, hanya perkataan itulah yang rasanya sesuai.

Eh, kali terakhir aku menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia di blog ini hari Khamis juga! Waktu itu aku cuti beberapa hari. Mungkin aku perlu mengambil cuti kali ini juga…

Gambar: aku dengan Si Manja Baubles, amboi nyenyaknya tidur!


TB-) 26 October 2006

Oh you poor thing, Ann arrived back just as tired. Hope you and Baubles enjoyed the sleep. Roll on the end of year vacation!

Simone 26 October 2006

Yeah, didn’t get any of that!

Ok, I’ll try and guess what it says next to the photo:

Photo: with a blankets, the cat Baubles and a cup of tea


p.s. good inspiration post! I lived in two aboriginal communites ‘up north’ when I was a child (2 years in total), so always find the topic very interesting!

CW 26 October 2006

Thanks tb-)! I am looking forward to the weekend! And yes the end of year break will be most welcome… (I can’t believe the year’s almost over though!)

Sorry Simone, I’ve posted a translation now 🙂 Oh and I’m glad you enjoyed the ‘inspiration’ post!