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- Upgrade WordPress so that lint runs on version 2.0.4 (we’re still on version 2.0.3). I’m not sure how long this process would take me, but I want a quiet day to sit listening to Julian Bream playing Bach’s guitar Suite in E Minor, S. 996, drinking cups of tea and having pleasant conversation with M while idly tinkering with the server.
- Write something on how the Chinese language works, for Simone (see comment here). Nothing gives me more pleasure than reading and ruminating about languages. (Okay, maybe some things give me more pleasure, but you get my drift…)
- Write a short review of The Vivisector for the library blog. Yes, I actually gave in and read that book, despite my dissing book clubs. The review doesn’t have to be too long – like these.
- Convert my blogging paper into an article for Australian Academic and Research Libraries. For the March 2007 issue. I’ve also been invited to submit my wiki paper to The Electronic Library but I’m in two minds because I don’t want my work to be trapped behind subscription-only doors. Lately I’ve been thinking about academic journal publishers and whether or not, in coming years, they will be completely bypassed as scholars decide to self-publish or at least use freely available, open access methods of communicating their research. As a librarian, I hope so!
- Sell the house.
- Get Baubles the Cat a haircut, in time for the Long Hot Summer ahead. The photos don’t show it, but she’s a bit matted at the moment, especially around the ears and down her back.
- Write up all of those notes in my Blogging Possibilities Notebook.
- Plan a long decadent holiday in Europe. I want to go to Groningen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, London, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Rome, Athens and Ystad. Oh, and Istanbul.
- Have a yum cha breakfast one of these weekends. It’s been ages.
- Play with Zotero. I’ve upgraded to Firefox 2 and have installed Zotero but haven’t looked at it yet.
Hi CW,
You might want to consider upgrading WordPress to the latest version, which is 2.0.5, instead of 2.0.4. Has quite a bit of security bugs fixed. However, there seems to be some chatter on the beta support listser about some minor technical problems. Personally, my blogs are running on the 2.1 beta and everything seems to be fine.
1. Yes, go for 2.0.5. I need to do the same for my blogs…argghhh!!
Nah, I’ve been looking at it, and I think it’s less hassle as I first thought.
2. Yes, looking forward to it.
6. Looking forward to the photos! š
9. Ohh, me too! I only discoverd yum cha/dim sum in February! Sooo great, but only been twice since! Not living near Northbridge doesn’t help! Ok, and liking to sleep in!
Good luck, my to do list is definetly as long as that. Though it’s mostly in my head. I should really put it on paper…or screen. Much more useful of course.
Oh, and thanks for the link, always nice š
I think it would be awesome if more scholars did self-publish or used other open options. However, as long as they need reputation/tenure, and the journals that have the mojo for that tenure/reputation are the expensive ones we all love to hate for their pricing practices. Oh well. . . . I can still hope.
Best, and keep on blogging.
Congratulations on the articles.
It started as an abstract, then a paper, then a live presentation, then items in a repository, now articles. How long from first idea that you might like to do a conference presentation to publication?
Wouldn’t it be good if Zotero could blast EndNote out of the water for ever??
I’m voting with Baubles. Get that cat cut and comfy.
Thanks for that, Isaak! Obviously I haven’t been watching developments on WordPress. But as you say, lint is working fine on 2.0.3. The bugs are there, but not completely getting in the way of blogging…
Simone, I’m sure upgrading is not going to be as painful as I think it is, too.. As for photos when Baubles gets her haircut – let me warn you now, it won’t be pretty š As for yum cha, you don’t have to be there at the crack of dawn you know…
Angel, I know. I enjoy dreaming though… And watching publications like Nature experiment with “open peer review” and imagine a better future…
From gestation to article? Not long at all, Kathryn, a matter of months really. (My blogger’s response: too long! Blogging is quicker!) Now I’m pondering what to do next, publication-wise. Yes, I’d love it if EndNote got knocked off its pedestal. Got some questions for the EndNote rep when they get here on Friday!
I think Baubles will get her haircut when the warmth really starts – say at the end of the month.
CW – you don’t have to sign copyright in your paper over to the journal publisher just because they invited you to submit it. They only need permission to publish it. If you retain the copyright you can then archive the paper on your institution’s repository, or wherever you like. UQ eprints site has links to a draft letter that contains a clause to retain copyright. Check it out.
Alternatively why not submit it to D-lib instead?
Thanks Peta. Yes, I will make sure I do retain copyright. In any case I have already gone and archived both my papers!