

1. Hours to dry after washing.
2. Lots of knots.
3. Fear of getting caught in the escalator (or in the lift).
4. Sitting on it all the time (ouch!).
5. Inadvertent strangulation in bed at night.


1. Dry in minutes.
2. No knots. No need to brush!
3. Nothing trailing behind me.
4. Cold ears.
5. “Did you sell your hair?”
“You look so young!”
“What does M think?”

Photos by M.
Hair style by Fringe Benefits Hair Salon, Curtin University, Bentley, Western Australia.


Simone 23 November 2006

Wow, what a difference! Very cool!
I’m thinking of cutting it off too, though my hair is not that long, and I won’t get it quite that short, I will probably get it shorter than I’ve ever had it!

I keep trying to remember your hair when I met you, but you must have had it tied back, because I don’t remember noticing it was so long(but then I’m bad at noticing anything on anybody really!)

isaak 23 November 2006

Wow! Even shorter than mine. πŸ™‚ But I think it’ll be just nice for the upcoming summer weather.

m 23 November 2006

I’ve always liked you with short hair πŸ™‚ You had short hair when I first met you and it played a big part in my initial attraction πŸ™‚

Oh and I didn’t make the two comments after “What does M think?” even though the post makes it sound that way πŸ˜›

I believe my first comment was “That looks great!”

Kathryn Greenhill 23 November 2006

To “Before” I’d add: 6. Can’t eat soup without holding it back.

FANTASTIC! It will look great.

First Jessamyn’s dreddies, now your long locks. Is it catching?

When I cut all my hair off, people I knew walked straight past without recognising me. Has it happened to you yet?

Marcus 23 November 2006

Woah that’s a drastic change!

Do you feel oddly naked now? πŸ™‚

jl 23 November 2006

Lookin’ good! I always wish i had the guts to go really short like that.

CW 23 November 2006

Thanks guys – it feels very different. So far people have all recognised me… let’s see what happens today πŸ™‚

M I’ll change the order of the comments and put the M comment last πŸ™‚

anna 23 November 2006

Wow, That’s short!
I always know it’s time to go to the salon when I wake up in the middle of the night and the ends of my hair are stuck in my armpit (bad for your neck and scalp if you move suddenly)

Fiona 23 November 2006

Woah! Very brave of you to do it in one go!

Looks great and very easy to manage.

RobandWend 25 November 2006

Another Wow – Still not as short (or absent) as mine

Penny 26 November 2006

Whoa! That’s a big change! Let’s see the front now πŸ™‚

I have long hair down to my butt. Can’t say it’s a big deal for me. My DH likes long hair….

CW 26 November 2006

Hi Anna, my hair was definitely long enough to get stuck in my armpits.. I had to be careful in the loo, too… (does that fit in the Too Much Information category? πŸ˜‰ )

Thanks Fi – yes very easy to manage, I’m still getting used to the Hair Dry in 5 Minutes scenario…

Hey Rob!! Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚ I’ve had it even shorter in the past – maybe next haircut…

Penny, that’s what my mum said: “why are those photos only of your back?” I told her she knows what I look like, I don’t need to show her photos…