Was I worried about having to medicate Baubles the Cat? Giving Baubles her first quarter pill this morning was remarkably painfree. What I did was this:
- Chopped the big pink pill into quarters.
- Opened a little ‘tray’ of Baubles’s all-time favourite treat: Dine Seafood Selection in a Tuna Mornay. (She’d come running by now, as her sharp ears are tuned to the frequency of the sound of the pantry door opening.)
- Picked up a quarter of the pill and dipped it in the seafood selection. Did my best to get the pill slathered in the stuff.
- Handed it to Baubles, who proceeded to lick some of the stuff off the pill AND THEN SHE ATE THE PILL TOO.
- Did a Happy Dance all through the house and interrupted M in his shower to tell him the good news.
- As a reward I gave Baubles a couple of mouthfuls of the seafood selection, saving the rest to repeat the process this evening.
Every other time I’ve had to medicate Baubles in the past, we didn’t have Dine Seafood Selection in a Tuna Mornay to act as the pill dispenser (other cat food varieties have never been this effective before). Hopefully she doesn’t lose her fondness for the stuff over the next few days…
๐ ๐ good old Dine eh?
Hey – BTW… we’ve finally got a podcast up at work (http://uniteclibraryupdates.blogspot.com/2006/11/were-podcasting.html). We’re having some issues with IT about hosting it. The web server we have access to can’t handle processing large files as it is designed as a database server. So we’ve had to submit a request for access to a different server. And the wheels. of. IT. turn. slowly.
So we’ve put it on Podomatic for now. Which means people on-campus will find it terrible to download because IT packet switch MP3 files. But at least off campus it is fine. You can hear my voice at the beginning of the podcast ๐
Woo – so is the “Welcome to the unitec.. etc etc” message your voice? How cool ๐ I’m going to have to keep listening.
Oh, and I like the music too! Congratulations!