Flickr Old Skool

Am I the only so-called ‘Old Skool’ Flickr user who’s a bit peeved that we need to change our accounts – merge them with Yahoo accounts – so that we can use Flickr? Am I just being over-fussy about this or do any other Old Skool Flickr users feel the same?

For those who don’t use Flickr, the photo sharing site is requiring all its users to switch their user accounts from the old Flickr accounts over to Yahoo. (Flickr was bought out by Yahoo some time ago.)

I don’t understand why I am annoyed by this, given that I will happily create accounts for any new web-based services I am interested in. What’s the difference here? Am I just being a curmudgeon?


jl 14 February 2007

As a fellow Old Skooler, i too was irritated by the request to change my account. Like you, i’m not too sure why i found it irksome, so much so that i ignored the message for a week before actioning it.

CW 14 February 2007

At least you’ve followed the instructions – I haven’t done anything about it yet!

Marcus 15 February 2007

I’ve always had a Yahoo account and I changed over the minute Yahoo bought them out, even though there’s no real need because my browser remembers all my passwords (shh!).

It’s just a sense of having less to manage.

But yeah I am not really understanding the uproar over this. Thanks to our many accounts for many services, including banks, all our details are spread all over the place as it is. So it can’t be about privacy right?

CW 15 February 2007

No, it’s not about privacy, Marcus. I’ll swap eventually, I’m sure 😐

TB-) 17 February 2007

Curmudgeon, smugeon…I felt the same when blogger made me join google. I have a yahoo email address, lol.

CW 18 February 2007

Yes, I think it’s the fact that I must do it that’s making me resentful…