Status report

This post is actually my answer to Bibliobibuli’s question on her blog: What are YOU reading? Any good?

For the first time in ages, I’m only reading one book at the moment: To Fear a Painted Devil, by Ruth Rendell. Started it last night.

I’ve just finished Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge. ZOMG!!1 (I’d like to write a better review but my head is still spinning from all the ideas. Wearable tech, libraries without books, mysterious rabbits, Dangerous Knowledge, Librarian Militants. I heart Vernor Vinge.)

Also Stasiland by Anna Funder. A very readable book, about the secret police in the East German Communist regime and their impact on East German society. People do horrible things to each other.

I would be reading Wikinomics: how mass collaboration changes everything by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, but it’s a library book, and someone else wants it. I ordered this for the collection, why can’t I hang on to it a bit longer? (I’ve only had it for a couple of months…)

I also want to start reading Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. I have some ideas for an article I’m writing with the LINT folks, and want to see if this book supports them.

And I really ought to stop gazing at the stacks in my room and start reading:
The Weather Makers by Tim Flannery
Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson
Life: A user’s manual by Georges Perec
Panggil Aku Kartini Saja [Just call me Kartini] by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
And then there’s all the books I noted in that reading challenge I wrote about in January.
And a small list of journal articles I’ve come across.

It occurs to me that this list is never going to get smaller, mainly because I buy so many books. I think I buy at least one book a week, and some weeks it’s more. (Last week? Four books. Just ordered four books, from Amazon. Sigh.) And then there’s all the library books. I could probably stop buying books today and never run out of things to read.


bibliobibuli 10 May 2007

my tbr pile grows and grows too!

nice to know what you’re reading. the vernor vinge sounds great and extremely suitable for a librarian!

TB-) 11 May 2007

Rad notes from a small island if you want a laugh…..

TB-) 11 May 2007

oops READ