
This was my answer for Dutch homework recently.

I missed class, and the teacher emailed me the homework question: “gevraagd of ze zich voor kunnen stellen dat ze Lotto wonnen, bijvoorbeeld miljoenen dollars.  Wat zouden ze met al dat geld doen?  Zouden ze het op de bank zetten, heel luxueuze dingen kopen of het op een andere manier investeren of zouden ze gaan reizen.” (…asked [the class] what they would do if they won Lotto, for example millions of dollars. What would they do with all that money? Would they put it in the bank, buy very luxurious things or invest it or would they travel?)

My answer:

Ik zou nooit de Lotto winnen, omdat ik nooit een kaartje kopen!

I would never win the Lotto, because I never buy a ticket!


Simone 17 September 2008

Haha, hetzelfde geldt voor mij, ik koop ook nooit een kaartje! (am not sure if geldt should be with a t or just a d, but do know for sure kopen should be koop in your sentence 🙂 ) 😀

CW 17 September 2008

Thanks, as you can see my Dutch still needs a lot of work 🙂

(Het is G-E-L-D, nee?)

Simone 18 September 2008

Yeah, I think it is. I’m very impressed by your dutch and how fast it is going! I’ve only ever had french (at highschool), and I was really bad at it, and hardly remember anything.