
I’m home now, after a couple of uneventful, uncomfortable flights.

The flights were uncomfortable because of all the usual joys of flying: cramped seats, uncomfortable seats, noise, and the are-we-there-yet factor. This time around I also had the additional pleasure of having a bad cough the whole way back – I kept expecting one of the stewards to take me aside and say: “That’s a horrific cough – are you sure you should be flying?” and get me quarantined or something.

I knew it was just my asthma, exacerbated by my recent cold, but it really did sound gruesome, especially when I coughed until I was practically retching. Asthma, ugh.

Because just taking an extra dose of my asthma meds didn’t help, I went to see my doctor as soon as I could. She promptly doubled my medication, prescribed an additional oral steroid, and gave me two days’ sick leave.

So I have been lying in bed for these past two days. The additional meds are helping (yay!) and staying home and dozing has been good for the jetlag. And of course my poor wrenched ankle.


One Comment

Steph 26 June 2014

Welcome back!