Chair at work

Kathryn started it by telling us about her new chair.

Snail followed with a post about his favourite chair.

I don’t currently have a favourite chair so here is the chair I spend most of my days seated on – the chair in my office, at work. You can see my desk – standard office issue – and the carpet, commercial, hard-wearing (kinda boring) carpet.

My chair in my office
My chair in my office

It’s a pretty boring chair, a bog standard office chair. I think I’ve had this chair for about six or seven years, and it wasn’t even new when I got it. It’s comfortable enough, and does its job, I suppose. I couldn’t say I like it, but of course I would notice if I lost it. I wouldn’t be able to do my job comfortably; I’ve never gotten into standing desks (too lazy 😉 ).

So, my chair.