
So when I started #the100dayproject I used Instagram to share my daily drawings. It’s pretty easy to use and there are lots of people doing the project there. (And if you follow me on Instagram you are also regaled with daily photos of Peppi the chihuahua.)

More meta
My Instagram account

Flickr does have some advantages though: 1. no ads and 2. you can see more detail in each photo. And I like the layout of my account on a web browser.


What’s the point of this post?
I still haven’t decided if I’m going to stick with using both platforms once #blogjune is over.
I’ve enjoyed blogging this June. Do I want to continue?
Do I want to use this space to document my drawing? It was nice to realise that I’m now drawing for myself and not just so that I keep up with a project. I could use this space to track how I go, especially as I learn new skills.

Too many questions!