A post about nothing.

I haven’t yet settled into a #blogjune routine. Most years I rely on a routine to get myself into a rhythm that slowly builds a bit of momentum.

I don’t seem to have one this year – yet, anyway – because I’ve stopped taking photos on a daily basis for Instagram or to record my daily drawing, so, no easy content available. It’s really obvious to me how I find routines useful for establishing a practice or building a new habit. It’s also really obvious to me how easily I can fall out of a habit.

I’ve had the last couple of days off and have relished not having a routine. But this hasn’t helped with getting into the flow of daily blogging. Ah well. Hopefully I manage to figure it out this year, otherwise my #blogjune is going to feel scattered and disorganised. It would be pretty ironic if I find myself not having anything to blog about even if there are daily prompts. (I’ve actually started a couple of posts, trying to answer a couple of the questions Kathryn’s posted, but maybe I’m overthinking my answers and I’m stuck with a couple of drafts.)



Genevieve 6 June 2022

I often found myself overworking answers and comments in olde blogge time. Determined not to do it if I take it up again. Striving for a little fluency, that’s all. I hope. I admire the frankness with which you interrogate the practice Con.

flexnib 8 June 2022

I can still vaguely remember the old days of regular blogging where I would always be going about my life with one eye on things happening that might make an interesting post. I think I’m completely out of practice at the moment. When Twitter and Facebook and Instagram (and all the other socials) took off and it got easier to post there than it does here, that obviously changed how I thought of this blog. And then I stopped posting so much on Twitter and FB and Insta and got out of the habit of posting altogether. It’s certainly changes the dynamic of how I interact with “the world”.