That is, this is post number 1,553. Today’s the nineteenth anniversary of this blog. The first post I wrote was, imaginatively, called First Post. It was part of an experiment, looking at all the new-at-the-time tools like blogs and Flickr and so on. I don’t think I would have expected to be still blogging all these years later.

I looked back at my post on this date back in June 2010 (the first #blogjune) and note that some of us were talking about blogging back then, and profiles, and blogging professionally and so on. I wrote that I wished more library leaders blogged, and pondered why University Librarians (this is a title, usually refers to directors of university libraries) didn’t blog. Well, I wasn’t a UL back in 2010, but now I’ve been a UL myself for nearly 10 years I can say that all the reasons I listed back then still hold true – “time; blogging isn’t respectable; there are other, established forums…”. Time, or the lack of it, would be the biggest factor for most, I think. I personally don’t worry too much about respectability or otherwise of blogging (or I wouldn’t have stuck with this blog, I don’t think). And yes there are other forums, which, if you devote time and energy to writing or presenting there, you probably run out of time and energy to devote to blogging…

Once I go on leave in July, maybe I’ll have more time to ponder and write. This morning it was nice to see an email from one of the twenty subscribers I mentioned earlier this week, encouraging me to keep blogging, past June – hello CM!


snail 7 June 2024

Wow…congrats! Looks like my wordpress based version has been running for 17 years and thankfully the web archive has got the previous version, back to Nov 2002. Ooh and then there is this delightful version from 2001: https://web.archive.org/web/20010502210844/jinx.sistm.unsw.edu.au/~snail/

Genevieve 8 June 2024

and congratulations to both of you for keeping to one space. My blogs across several platforms create such a sense of messiness. I posted about it somewhere recently. The decade on Tumblr just roared past me. It was frightening how fast the time went.
What a good idea to reread your first post. Plus ca change….can’t be bothered finding the cedille, sorry.

Genevieve 8 June 2024

loved the snail graphic and the poem, snail