
I took a sick day today and spent most of it napping, which was probably exactly what I needed. I was headachy and achy and didn’t have much on my work calendar so it was a good idea. Funny how if I wasn’t finishing my job in about four weeks I would probably have just dragged myself in. After a quiet day I’m feeling sort of okay and glad the malaise hasn’t worsened, so I’ll probably be fine tomorrow.

Anyway, because I’ve been home sick with Mondayitis I don’t seem to have any ideas for a post today and I’m also lacking the energy/brain power to find inspiration from others’ posts, even though they have been quite interesting and varied today.

Before the month started I enjoyed reading Michael Leddy’s post about how he drafts and writes some of his posts. I made a mental note that I could start doing the same thing, but I don’t seem to have managed to, so far.

Well, tomorrow is another day.


skribe 10 June 2024

I hope you’re feeling much better soon.

Thanks for the reading materials. I’m starting to run out of blog ideas. Hopefully it will inspire something. I have no idea what to write from Wednesday onwards.

I don’t think doing more conlang words and fantasy religious practices really cuts it more than once (or twice) per week, but that’s all I have.

Michael Leddy 11 June 2024

Tomorrow is another day, and as Harvey Pekar once said, “Every day is a new deal.”

I was surprised to see you in a comment recently and blogging again. I too hope you feel better soon and find many things to notice and write about.

Genevieve 11 June 2024

I’m going to post infrequently and reblog from Tumblr as required. Take it easy folks. Hope you’re feeling better today Con. I love a good rest day.