Morning routine

I woke up at 2am today. For the past week or so the dogs have been waking me up in the middle of the night to go outside.

So yes, 2am. First one of the dogs decided he needed to go outside for a pee. By the time I came back to bed I was wide awake. I hopped back into bed and tried to go back to sleep anyway, but then at 3am, the other dog decided he needed to go outside too. This time I had to wash my hands before coming back to bed, because I had to clean up after dog number two. By the time I came back to bed, both dogs had snuggled down in the blanket on my side of the bed. I would’ve had to move them to make room for myself, so I gave up and went to my study.

I grabbed another blanket and thought I might try to get some sleep on the couch in my study (it does have its uses) but then I made the mistake of checking the news headlines first. Each time I got out of bed I got more and more awake. So I decided, what the heck, I’ll just do my morning routine now.

My routine for the past couple of months: I’ve been writing Morning Pages first thing in the morning, and then meditating. So this morning I found myself scribbling in my Morning Pages book at 3:30am. When I finished I meditated for 40 minutes. All done by 5am, and both dogs were still fast asleep in bed.

What time will I wake up tomorrow morning??