Last meeting

I ran my last staff meeting today. I had an AMA, “Ask Me Anything” session – asked colleagues to submit their questions ahead of time so I had a bit of time to think about my answers.

One question asked me to summarise my time as UL.

if I were to summarise everything in one word, the word CHANGE would seem the most apt.

There’s just been so much change in all the time I’ve been doing this job (about 10 years) – restructures, new leadership, new bosses to report to, new systems, new campuses, new teams, modernisation of systems and processes. Learning new things. The pandemic. Health issues. I feel tired just looking at the list.

I wondered if I would feel sad or even shed a tear but no. I think having the meeting over Teams had a bit of a distancing effect. It might be a bit different at the farewell event in my last week, though.

Two weeks left of work. It’s going to be feel strange.

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