Winding down

I’m in a very weird space at the moment – finishing up at my workplace but not planning for a new job. I’m not starting any new tasks, not thinking about what I might need to learn for a new role, or making any plans for any new responsibilities or routines. I’m not planning any trips, nor have I got anything lined up in terms of new activities. (My next big task is to think about what I might say at my farewell. I’m not really looking forward to the attention.)

Despite this lack of plans, I’m really looking forward to whatever comes next. I have a list of books I want to read and saved some TV for viewing. One of the dogs needs knee surgery so I’ll be a nursemaid while he recovers. That’s it. It feels oddly like a grand adventure because I’m just going to see what comes next…

I’ll have to check in with myself periodically and see how I’m going.


Genevieve 27 June 2024 Reply

This sounds absolutely wonderful to me! Would love to be in your shoes, apart from the unwell pet that is. Congratulations Con and enjoy the uncertainties at your leisure.
I know a man who sat in a chair and listened to CDs for a year after finishing up teaching.

Kathryn Greenhill 28 June 2024 Reply

When I divorced, polyxena (Anne from Burandoona (?) library) recommended William Bridges “Transitions” :

I have returned to it many times since, and found it really helpful, especially when my job was made redundant.

He describes three stages, but what I really like is realising that much of the work in a transition happens before the shift, and then during the intermediate time. Often by the time the transition is complete that is the ending, rather than beginning of the process.

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