
Because I’m having a No Buy year, I’ve been writing down things I want, when I come across something appealing.

I was a bit reluctant to start or maintain such a list because I wasn’t sure if it would “fan the flames” (of consumerist desires, so to speak), or if I would end up with a ridiculously long list. However this hasn’t happened; there are only seven things on my list, and four of them are books. (Books don’t feel like frivolous purchases, but I have so many of them and not that much space, and so I’m trying to rein in the impulses.) Two of the things are related – i.e. a device and its cover. This list is in no particular order – the ereader is the first item on the list because it happened to be the first thing I wrote down.

  1. Kobo Libra Colour – white version — I don’t actually need an ereader. I have a few (A FEW) perfectly serviceable ereaders inlcuding a Kobo Clara 2E, a Kobo Forma, some Kindles, and some Onyx Boox readers. Yes, I have a problem, and absolutely I do not need another ereader. This is just part of the exercise.
  2. Kobo Libra Cover Clear case – clear (I learned the hard way, many years ago, that e-ink screens are fragile. I never buy an ereader without getting its attendant case/cover. So in a parallel universe, where I add to my ereader collection, I would get this case for it.)
  3. Blackwing Volume 710 pencils – box of 12. Pencils are a stationery item I do not need: I have a few boxes of Blackwing pencils. Nor am I a Deadhead (you have to look at the link to the pencil listing to see why the Grateful Dead reference). However I am a sucker for the soft graphite Blackwing pencils, which is why this made it onto my list. NB: I do not need another box of pencils and definitely not $75 pencils. (methinks the lady doth protest too much?!)
  4. Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls (I love graphic memoirs)
  5. Encyclopaedia Britannica (2010 edition) (I’m not 100% sure why I added this to my list. I don’t need a set of big bulky hard bound books, where would I even put them?? It’s just the idea of having a set of the last printed edition of the Britannica, I think. Luckily these aren’t easily available, and I’m not even trying to find a set. It may be that including it in this list is enough.)
  6. Chinese Fish by Grace Yee (this doesn’t seem to be available in ebook format or I might have been able to borrow it from the library)
  7. My Favorite Thing is Monsters, Book Two by Emil Ferris (I have book one)

I haven’t added to this list since early-mid May. It’s nicely cathartic to add things, and the act of writing them down helps to dispel any urge to actually pull out my credit card. I’m not actively looking for things to add to the list. It will be interesting to see how things go over the rest of this year.


Genevieve 19 June 2024 Reply

This is an excellent idea for managing consumer feelings! Will start one myself, having just been out and bought some new sunglasses frames for prescription glasses for NEXT summer. (I do need them, but probably not in winter. And now I am a little concerned I might lose them before having the lenses done…!!)

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