What I did on my Saturday

Picked up this parcel from the post office this morning.


Detail of the sticker on the box. Very apt – perfectly targeted, I say!

Happiness is a new pen

My two new pens, next to my Kaweco Al Sport Raw (on the right).

Three pens

The two new pens are Indian-made.

The blue pen is a Dilli. It has a flex nib! I need more practice to use the nib to its full potential. I may show you my handwriting samples using it, sometime.

The brown pen is an eyedropper Ranga in the duofold style. (Duofold being a model released by Parker Pens in the 1920s. They have a particular style, size and shape.)

Both are smooth writers.

The Kaweco is getting rather battered from sitting in my pocket and being chucked in my bag. If you look closely there is a ding just above the ‘A’ in the ‘Al’. I dropped it and the pen hit my desk leg. I’m telling myself it adds to the character of the pen.

It’s not just the pens I enjoyed. It was the whole experience. I loved finally receiving the parcel today. I put off opening it until I could spend a bit of time savouring the experience. I enjoyed holding the pens, and I took my time filling them. Then, finally, writing with them. Mmm…