All good things…

I can’t believe it’s the last day of June, and the last day of #blogjune.

I wasn’t expecting to stick with it, I’m amazed I did. I even had fun!

I didn’t manage to keep up with all the comments, and I wasn’t very good at commenting on others’ posts either, even though I think I read most of them. (I can go back and comment at any time, I’m reminding myself.)

I’m not going to make any rash declarations about continued blogging for the rest of the year. Even if I’ve gone and publicised this blog to my soon-to-be-former colleagues (see the June 26 newsletter).

The blog seems to have been playing up today (slow to load, at one stage I thought it had gone down altogether) but I can’t seem to replicate the problem. Just as well I’ll have time to investigate!

It’s been a blast and thank you to my fellow bloggers who shared this month with me. It’ll be #blogjune 2025 before we know it!

P.S. Given that it’s a Sunday I had to share a chihuahua photo. Wolfgang and Ludo were snuggling with M on the couch while we were watching tv last night. Both dogs are expert snugglers!

Winter snuggling
Wolfgang always claims M’s lap as his, and gets very put out if Ludo tries to lie there. Fortunately Lu is actually not much of a lap dog and is quite happy if he just has a warm blanket.


skribe 30 June 2024 Reply

It’s been a pleasure. Thank you. I had fun too.

snail 30 June 2024 Reply

So much joy all round.

Genevieve 1 July 2024 Reply

Great way to move and stretch the writing muscles! And look around at others as well. Thanks everyone 🥰

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