Productive Friday

Morning! I have been up since 5am, just banned myself from blogging until I finished my book review – it’s done! Ah, if only I was this disciplined when I was doing my Masters 😉

It was really difficult getting out of bed this morning. I mean really difficult. I thought it was Saturday, for some reason, and so started debating with myself: “Why bother this morning? It’s not as if you have to go to work this morning… DOH! You do have to go to work this morning!” At that point I draaaaagged myself out of bed, feeling quite sorry for myself. It didn’t help that Baubles the Cat decided to start purring at the same time as I was stumbling around in the dark looking for my socks – she has the loudest purr of any cat I have ever met. When I neglected to pat her as I got dressed, she emitted a loud Brrrrreeowww, which probably meant “You going to pat me or what??” After getting a hasty pat from me she gave me a huge yawn, snuggled up again and went right back to sleep.

I got over my self-pity as I made a cup of tea and remembered that I had promised my boss’s boss that I would finish that book review today and get it to him so he can send it to the editor. (I volunteered to do it!) So, rather than waste time and then have to spend the weekend trying to work on something overdue, I decided to just knuckle down and get it done. Of course, it wasn’t difficult once I decided it was going to be done. Now I have to get over my feeling of self-satisfaction 🙂

We saw Batman Begins last night. I was pleasantly surprised – I didn’t have many expectations, having missed the previous Batman movies. It was quite believable (well, as much as the word believable gels with the word superhero 🙂 ) and very well made. Quite violent though – I flinched a lot. I don’t know if I will ever be completely desensitised to film violence.

[Edit 7:36am: I forgot to mention that I succumbed and created a blog for my workmates yesterday. (I haven’t mentioned this blog to anybody at work.) I decided to do so when I was thinking about how I was going to present to them the URLs for all the library blogs I have been reading – what better way than to use a blog?]


Israd 17 June 2005

cw, are planning to do your phd or already have one??

CW 17 June 2005

LOL no PhD Israd.. in moments of relative calm I contemplate the idea, but when reality hits again I decide it is a crazy idea! I have a couple of years’ grace at the moment anyway, as I finished the MA at the end of last year and promised M (husband) that I would take a break (he needs the break too I think!). My boss’s boss did ask me about it, but I changed the subject 😛