Time management

I ran out of time to write yesterday morning, which is why my post on Perth is so scant and unsatisfying. I left so much out that I will have to rewrite it at some point. Is there anything you as the reader would like to know about Perth?

Yesterday I got so engrossed reading that by the time I started to write it was 6:45am! This morning has been challenging time-wise too, as I have had some prep to do for my leadership course (session 2 is today). I have been reading as well, and the time really seems to fly. (Maybe I should get up at 4am.. or maybe I should just structure my time better!)

I’d like to add more to that post on Perth, and maybe even write about specific aspects of this city. And why stop at Perth? I was browsing through the website of a chocolate shop yesterday, Haigh’s of Sydney, and noted that they sell quandong chocolates, which started me thinking about the quandong, which led on to thinking about Australian fruit, and bush tucker (food from plant and animal sources indigenous to Australia, and present before Europeans arrived) in general. Somehow that led me to thinking about the history of many places in Australia, and wondering how I would go about finding out more and perhaps even writing about them. Only problem with this approach is that I will start reading and will probably read more than I write 🙂

Had a chat with my boss yesterday, who wants me to write at least one article for publication in the very near future. He’s quite keen for me to write at least a couple of other pieces as well. Boss is going on a few weeks’ leave starting tomorrow (he is going to Kenya to climb Mt Kilimanjaro – yikes!) and I have set a deadline to have at least a draft of the first article ready by the time he gets back! I think I have my work for the rest of the year cut out for me…

On other matters, the early rising experiment is continuing well, and passed its two week mark yesterday. I’m pleased with how it’s added so much extra time to my day, and can see no reason to stop the experiment at this point! I might have to sit down and review it more closely soon, just for the record.

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