It’s okay if you mess up. You should give yourself a break*.

Had dinner at my parents’ last night, Mum having decided she needed to see us all after the events in London. It was nice – we had minestrone and laksa lemak. A bit of a strange combination perhaps, but perfect given the current cold weather.

The early rising experiment has been tough going this weekend. This morning and yesterday morning I just lay in bed for a good half hour after the alarm went off and listened to the radio. I was sandwiched between M and Baubles the Cat and it was just so warm! I shan’t beat myself up about this lapse, as it is the weekend.

Have spent the morning drinking mugs of strong tea and fiddling with Blogger. Cut down on my blogroll – it was getting a bit out of hand. I’ll just have to swap links occasionally.

*Title is spam poetry. I am completely uninspired this morning.

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