
Lacking in inspiration today, have nothing to write about. I think the 100 things was enough writing for a week, which is why I’m all blank now.

Oh, and not to harp on about the bomb scare, but last night I happened to catch part of the news on Channel 9, and they actually mentioned that there had been a bomb threat made involving the train station, on Friday night. I think they also mentioned that threats had been made to the casino and to Graylands (Perth’s biggest psychiatric hospital), and this morning I found a report on a scare on a Perth train.

Was talking to one of my colleagues, JW, who suggested that the reason the media didn’t report on the threat was because it was a hoax, and they may have a policy not to report on every single hoax there is, so as not to incite or encourage the nutcases. Which makes sense. JW is always good to talk to, because she is always so reasonable and sensible. There’s CW having a flap, and there’s JW, and her Words of Wisdom. I’m very lucky in that I have JW to talk sense to me at work! At home, The Voice of Reason is M.

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mooiness 25 July 2005

Wow, I didn’t realise the journalists here have such integrity and ethics. True or not, good on them I guess. 😛

CW 26 July 2005

Good point, Mooiness 🙂 I don’t think of journalists as bastions of integrity and ethical behaviour, just that JW’s calm and reasoned response made me think about other reasons for the lack of reporting, rather than assuming it was some conspiracy. Knowing Perth the journos were probably just having the Friday night off!

mooiness 26 July 2005

Hahaah too true! 🙂