Blah blah blah routines

I’ve changed my morning routine a bit this week and have been finding it a bit hard to get settled and write. Hopefully this will change as I get used to it.

I also think I have been a bit overwhelmed by too many things to write about. It’s all the other blogs out there, they give you so much to think about.

Work’s also been very busy. I keep getting given tasks to do. (I’m sure you can all relate to this.) Podcasting. Write an article. Make that two. Test these databases. Write a report. Draft an agenda. EndNote, EndNote, EndNote. CW, you’re already writing two articles, right, why don’t you write a short piece for this newsletter, just 300 – 500 words, think of it as a pre-article. Eeep!

Yesterday I was told that I am going to be given an HP tablet PC as part of a trial on campus. After the initial euphoria wore off, I started wondering how much more work this will mean for me – I mean, experiments = work, right? How grateful am I? The funny thing about this, is that I’ve been chosen to be part of this trial because of M. (I’m sure there are other reasons too, like my wonderful personality (snort!) and the fact that I like gadgets.) The organiser of the trial thinks it’s going to be an easy way to get some tech support and input into the trial – give the wife of an IT guy some tech, and of course he will help her. This is Benefit #1,097 of being Married to A Geek.



mooiness 11 August 2005

Oh man, how does M feel about being emotionally-blackmailed into offering free tech support???? Being one myself, sometimes the last thing I wanna talk about at home is more tech stuff.

I may use it but I don’t wanna talk about it. πŸ˜›

CW 11 August 2005

You are quite right, of course, Mooiness!

I should have said that M actually works at the same place I do so my involvement means he would be snaffled in on a semi-official capacity…

At home we don’t talk much about tech stuff (or about work for that matter)!

M 11 August 2005

I see it as an opportunity. I work in the same division as C and have had dealings already with this other division.

As long as I play it right I get the benefit of getting in the good books with another division, building intra-corporate relations between ours and theirs and learning new tech.

I have the opportunity to fob it off at any time as not being my responsibility. I also get the opportunity to move into different departments and work if I think it will aid my career and personal satisfaction πŸ™‚

The university divisional structure is very democratic and a lot of work gets done by doing things on the side for divisions so they can do it in turn for you later πŸ™‚

Win, win, win in my books πŸ™‚

mooiness 11 August 2005

M: wahahhaah…holy smokes that’s brilliant logic. πŸ™‚

Miss L 11 August 2005

Aw that’s so cute. M commented on C’s blog… hehehe.

Don’t mind me. I think i’m having a carb over-load atm the moment.