Blog scan

Yet another morning spent reading blogs and assorted other online sources.

This one amused and appalled me: 100 reasons why I hate my husband! is written by a woman whose husband infuriates her all the time. Amusing because some of the husband’s antics were funny. Like the time he found an esky by the side of the road and brought it home, left it in his room overnight for his wife to find. She followed her nose – “What the hell is that disgusting odor?” – the esky contained “Two rotting chickens, a bag of mushy fuzzy veggies and a tupperware container full of some unidentifiable black and green liquefied crud”. Husband brought it home because it was “a perfectly good FREE cooler and I wasn’t going to just leave it on the side of the road!” Appalling because she puts up with it. And he puts up with it too. (Working on the principle that it takes two, and we are only hearing her side of the story.) I wonder what will happen after she hits Reason 100.

had a story about the cleaner who had to clean up the public toilet in Hong Kong after a man tried to perform a sex-change operation on himself there (he survived, I think). The cleaner said: “I have never been anywhere just for fun. I have no hobbies. I have only worked non-stop for several decades.” She sighed, “I have no idea what the pleasures of life are.” ‘

Preetam Rai shared his friends’ responses to tasting bundegi – Korean soup made from silkworm larvae. I have never tasted this dish, and am not sure if I would be game to. The idea of eating worms of any sort doesn’t appeal. If you do click on the link you will be taken to a page where you can hear their responses (audioblog link). Click on the words “better days” to go to the blog itself and when you find the post on bundegi you can actually see a picture of the dish.

Finally, from one of my favourite blogs, How to Save the World, this inspiring post: Just Start.

What did we do before the Internet??
