Meme again

Inspired by Nighthawk and milescoverdale’s Journal (how do you link to a specific post in LJ?? See the post for 22 August).

1. Ten years ago: I had finished uni and was living with Baubles the Cat in a tiny dilapidated flat in the inner city. I had no idea what I was going to do with myself, and was working for M’s dad and doing private tutoring jobs (Mandarin for Beginners, and Indonesian). M was just the Son of the Boss.

2. Five years ago: I was studying to become a librarian, having recently given up my chef’s apprenticeship due to recurring tendonitis (Boo to weak girly wrists!). M was living with me and Baubles the Cat in the tiny dilapidated flat in the inner city.

3. One year ago: I was working in my dream job as an academic librarian. (I won’t say if my illusions have been shattered, but I am still quite happy to go to work. Most days.) We were no longer living in the tiny dilapidated flat in the inner city, but had become home owners.

4. Yesterday: I did nothing in particular and enjoyed myself immensely. Had a nap on the sofa bed in M’s room. (We each have our own studies. Mine is smaller than M’s but his room also doubles as our guest room so I shouldn’t complain too loudly. Also he has like fifteen computers in there so he needs the space. Ok, I exaggerate, he has three computers, I think. If I had a sofa bed in my room, I suspect I’d get nothing done ever because I’d be too busy lounging on it.) Read a book: A bit of earth by Suchen Christine Lim. Started to write a review of it but that got too hard which is why I am writing this instead. Watched two DVDs, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, and Dawn of the Dead (last year’s version). I am not overly fond of horror movies (ghosts are creepy) but zombie flicks, I have decided, are funny in a gruesome sort of way.

5. Today: We are going to Fremantle. It is still early and I hope it doesn’t keep raining too heavily.

6. Tomorrow: Back to work after four gloriously lazy days off. I can’t even remember what I have to do tomorrow. Apart from getting through all my email…

7. Five snacks I enjoy: Dried mango. Pistachios. Melon seeds. Homemade murukku. (A rare treat because I only know one person who makes murukku!) Hot chips with mayonnaise.

8. Five bands I know the lyrics of most of their songs: REM, U2, Cocteau Twins (okay, they don’t have lyrics, but I make the sounds up in my head and sing along anyway), Duran Duran, Crowded House.

9. Five things I would do with $100,000,000: Pay off the mortgages of everyone in my family. Be paralysed with indecision…

10. Five locations I’d like to run away to: A fjord in the South Island of New Zealand. Kakadu. Mongolia. Alaska. New York City.

11. Five Bad Habits: Procrastination. Fountain pens. Indecisiveness. Jumping to conclusions based on not enough evidence. Impatience.

12. Five things I like doing: Blogging, reading, going on bookshop crawls with M, hot baths, drying Baubles the Cat with a towel after she has stupidly gone outside and stood in the rain (this is the only time you are allowed to drape towels over Baubles without her expecting to be taken to vet and reacting badly).

13. Five TV shows I like: The Bill. Veronica Mars. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Bill. Errr… Does it count that some of these are no longer/have never been shown on Australian tv? I don’t watch enough tv to make up my quota!

14. Famous People I’d like to meet: Michael Stipe, REM singer. Just to swoon. Dubya. Is he as stupid as he sometimes sounds?? I’d love to tell him I disagree with almost everything I think he stands for. Politely, of course. The Dalai Lama. Iain M Banks: I’d like to thank him, in person, for The Culture. Morrissey. Every gloomy teenager needs songs like Bigmouth strikes again.

15. Biggest joys at the moment: The fact that the sun is rising a whole hour earlier than it did three months ago. Quiet time in the mornings. Listening to the birds sing. Baubles the Cat purring. Meditating.

16. Favorite toys: Fountain pens. (I have more than five!)

17. Five people to tag: I won’t, but feel free to do this and let me know 🙂

Memes are great for when you don’t know what to write, or when you are trying unsuccessfully to write something else.



cherryripe 29 August 2005

If you go to the Calendar or Archive of the LJer concerned, you can pinpoint the journal entry and copy the link from the address bar. Additionally, some journals are set up with ‘link’ option at the bottom of the entry for ease of linkage, .

CW 30 August 2005

Cheers. I wonder why I didn’t spot the links…