My life as a blog

Took a break from the blog yesterday. Good to have a break at least once a week, I think. Lay around lots (I think I had not one, but two naps yesterday; I’ll call it resting my eyes), read a book (finished Foreigner by C.J.Cherryh), and even played a game on the PC (Galactic Civilizations).

Was thinking a bit about blogging and My Life Online as well. Actually I was thinking about the people who read this blog (or at least the people I know of who read this blog), and how their responses to anything I might write here can be completely different to what I expect. For example Someone Dear To Me* was recently slightly offended by a recent post I wrote – even though I thought it was completely innocuous and just me spending a morning doing typing practice. I guess the fact that I’m going to offend someone, sometime is going to be unavoidable. I do try to be careful what I say, and how I say it. I’ll just have to be prepared to apologise or justify myself when I do offend, I think!

As for My Life Online, well, on Friday I embarrassed myself a bit at work while providing some training on RSS to four of my closest colleagues. After a bit of a discussion on what RSS is, why you’d use it, and how you’d explain it to others, I thought I’d show them some of Bloglines’ features using my Bloglines subscriptions. I started showing them a few of the Big Names I monitor, like, Free Range Librarian, and the Kept-Up Academic Librarian, and then thought I might look at some fun sites, like Cooking for Engineers, and Flickr Blog. And Boing Boing. Oh boy. I’d forgotten that I’d marked one Boing Boing post to keep because I wanted to show M, for a laugh. Because it was slightly risqué, I’d decided I wasn’t going to send it through work email. Well, I forgot it was there, and when I clicked on the link to Boing Boing, VOILÀ! There it was in all its glory (Note: Please be careful clicking on this link, if, for example, your boss is hovering close by. S/he probably won’t work out what you’re looking at unless s/he is paying attention, but still… ). At that point I wished I could run out of the room in a dignified manner. I’m still cringing when I think about it now.

*alias chosen because I don’t want to identify them.

P.S. This post is late because I am home today on a TOIL, and I’m taking my time about doing everything.

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Miss L 12 September 2005

HAHAHA – boingboing – brings new meaning to a can of V… so wrong… and yet so funny!

anna 12 September 2005

oh. I’m glad I waited till I got home to click on that boing boing link. Our computers get audited every now and then at work!

CW 12 September 2005

Hopefully my workmates have forgotten about it by now…