
I feel really, really tired this morning. Not sure why, as I didn’t go to bed late or anything like that. I’m glad it’s the weekend tomorrow. Hopefully this Saturday is less exhausting than last Saturday! I’m listening to smarmy, cheerful P. Ramlee music at the moment in the attempt to wake myself up a bit (not too loud though or the hoola hoop song Bila Mama Pakai Celana will force M out of bed in a rampage of amused disgust)!

I was thinking about all the recent disasters and horrors and my response to them. I don’t normally write about these disasters because I’m not normally on the cutting edge of the news and by the time I find out about events, most news agencies and bloggers have already written reams about them. In any case I don’t think I have any response that would not be trite.

These days I find I just feel numb and emotionless about all this death and destruction. Looking at the pictures of children being dragged from rubble in Kashmir, or weeping mothers in Guatemala, or mourning people in Bali, I can say all the right things: “Those poor parents”, or “How can we do this to each other??” But I don’t really feel anything apart from maybe “oh no, not again!” I find I have the same response to things happening in Australia. It’s as if it’s all gotten too much. Is this terrible of me?



mooiness 14 October 2005

No it’s just disaster-fatigue. We are all numb to it unfortunately. Though I think if we are sensible, it makes us appreciate how lucky and comfortable we are.

In other words, we should stop whining about our trivial little sh*ts. 😉

CW 16 October 2005

Indeed, Mooiness. Most of the things that worry us are very trivial and unimportant, and if we forgot about them, would make little or no consequence to our lives at all…