Lazy Saturday

Had a really lazy day yesterday, mostly playing Civ IV and reading (Peter F Hamilton’s Judas Unchained). I had started out with good intentions, because I’d hoped to be as productive as M was – he spent most of the day at Perth’s children’s hospital, Princess Margaret, juggling as part of the annual Telethon festivities (fundraising for children’s health research).

M in his juggling outfit.
The superb hairdo was achieved by not brushing his hair when he got out of bed.
(Just kidding, we found the wig, and the hat, at an op shop.)

He was completely exhausted when he got home – I guess a whole day of juggling, and dodging children who are intent on making sure that that hair is really a wig (apparently they were intrigued by the hair!), can really tire you out.

On the other hand, I (Consuela the Magnificent of the Mighty Spanish Empire) was exhausted from beating back hordes of barbarians and fighting Catherine the Great of Mother Russia for control over the lands of Cyrus the Puny, King of the Persians. No Civ today – otherwise I won’t get anything done.

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cherryripe 13 November 2005

Speedy hands! Oooh! Love the pic.

CW 13 November 2005

Good innit 🙂 He’s good to watch and is doing tricks with 5 balls now!!

m 14 November 2005

Con exagerates. I’m just starting to learn to do 5 ball tricks now 😛 Give me a year and I will probably have some patterns down.

PMH was great fun. Was great to see some kids start to pick up juggling skills 🙂

Fiona 15 November 2005

Great to see Telethon still goes! I was obsessed with it, and channel 9’s Appealathon as a kid.

I volunteered most years for Telethon and Appealathon (until it stopped) in the data room, the room opposite the glamorous phone room where we typed all the pledges into a database. Every now and then a ‘celebrity’ would wander by and spur us on. Fun times.

It was more fun in the 80s though – I talked to Jackie Love, Fiona McDonald and Stuart Wagstaff etc, lol