Variations on the four meme

I’m not sure how the weekend posts took such a serious, technical turn (coComment, pbwiki reviews). I certainly didn’t plan it that way. The weekend itself was remarkably lazy, despite my having vague intentions of doing some reading and writing. I did do a fair amount of both, but I’d hoped to read and write conference-paper-related stuff, and instead the reading was mostly of blogs and my current fantasy read (George R.R. Martin’s A storm of swords), and the writing was for this blog.

I noticed that that four meme seems to have evolved a bit as it’s travelled from blog to blog. I originally did mine a couple of weeks ago (see Four meme), but thought I might contribute my bit to some of these interesting variations as well:

Four novels I like to re-read (first sighted on Lorcan Dempsey’s blog):
To kill a mockingbird, Harper Lee.
I capture the castle, Dodie Smith.
The getting of wisdom, Henry Handel Richardson.
Sherlock Holmes stories.

Four songs (on Lorcan Dempsey’s and Quædam cuiusdam):
Baxabene oxamu, Miriam Makeba (in the Xhosa language. The x’s in the title of the song represent click sounds which sound beautiful sung).
Which will
, Lucinda Williams.
The unguarded moment, The Church.
Just like honey, The Jesus and Mary Chain.

Four blogs that have changed the way I look at work (this was four books but I can’t think of four, and besides the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition, is so boring. I need to read more books.):
explodedlibrary, for all the connections to Australian librarians and their blogs.
LibrarianInBlack, for all your posts which I’ve saved on Bloglines (22!).
Steve Pavlina’s personal development blog, for the experiment that started it all. The latest post strikes a nerve too.
Feel-good librarian, for all the heartwarming stories. Although, when I’ve had a bad week, I really relate to A librarian’s guide to etiquette. Oops that’s five. Actually I could keep going, but I’ll spare you.

Four favourite pieces of technology, as seen on Weibel Lines:
Fountain pens.
The iPod.
The Internet.
The wok. (does this count as technology?)

Four dumbest things I’ll admit to (again from Weibel Lines):
At work, watching SM set up my tablet PC. He typed t-a-b-l-e-t and I read it table-tee and couldn’t for the life of me work out why he was giving the tablet pc such a strange name. This would have been bad enough, but I had the misfortune of wondering what table-tee meant, out loud.
Listening to the reports on the news when Sydney won the right to host the 2000 Olympics, I heard one reporter say something along the lines of “There will be much jubilation and many champagne toasts around Sydney this morning”. I thought to myself, “Eeeuuu, champagne toast! How soggy and disgusting the bread would be!” Again, I did this out loud. My friends were rolling on the floor laughing.
Driving down to Margaret River with a couple of friends, I saw a sign along the way for “Weigh Bridge”. Two hours or so later, I saw another sign for another “Weigh Bridge”. How strange, I said, two places called Weigh Bridge! This happened after the champagne toast incident and must have confirmed my friends’ belief that I am completely weird.
I can’t think of a fourth. (Do I need to?)



cherryripe 12 February 2006

On ‘dumbest things’: made me giggle out loud. Yes, please think of a fourth.

CW 12 February 2006

Cherry, you’re laughing with me, not at me, right? 🙂

I can’t think of a fourth at this stage, I reckon my three are pretty good. What are your four dumbest things?

(Oh, lots of italics!)

intint 13 February 2006

oooh…dumbest things was very funny. I have stolen it for my own use!
And yes, I would count ‘wok’ as technology. They’ve come a long way since the ones my mother used to have.