ABC Meme

As you probably know by now, I love writing my answers to memes. Found this on Pavlov’s Cat and Moment to Moment, in quick succession, and knew I had to do it too:

Accent: Varies. The Malaysian accent is more or less pronounced depending on who I’m talking to and how excited/exasperated I am. I don’t think I’ll ever be a fluent Strine speaker, in that my accent will always give me away. Additionally, when I speak Mandarin, Southern Chinese say I do a mean Beijing accent (it must be all the rhotic vowels I learned to do at uni); Northerners, Beijingers especially, ask if I am Japanese. My accent when I speak Malay? No idea, probably best described as rusty.

Booze: Heineken beer on the odd occasion. Gin and tonic on a hot summer’s evening.

Chore I hate: Vacuuming.

Dog or cat: Cat. See also, Baubles the Cat.

Essential electronics: Computer.

Favourite cologne(s): None. Strong artificial scents make my throat close up and my eyes water.

Gold or silver: Silver.

Hometown: Born in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, but have lived in Perth, Western Australia for more years and love this city.

Insomnia: Never have it.

Job title: Senior Librarian. Sounds more.. grand (does it?) than it is…

Kids: None. Never had a strong urge to have any.

Living arrangements: With M, and Baubles the Cat.

Most admirable trait: Err.. reliability?

Number of sexual partners: All at once?!?

Overnight hospital stays: None yet.

Phobias: Cockroaches.

Quote: “Calm down, no one’s going to die.” This is something one of my colleagues, JC, says from time to time, not necessarily aimed at me, but if I am within earshot it always has the effect of making me stop and take a deep breath. I should really take it as my personal mantra. See also, answer for ‘W’.

Religion: Lapsed-Catholic-turned-atheist.

Siblings: Four. I’m the oldest.

Time I wake up: 5am. On weekends I have been known to occasionally sleep in until 6 or 7am…

Unusual talent or skill: Ability to identify languages I hear. “That’s not Xhosa, it’s Sotho.” Actually I’m exaggerating a bit, I used to know some Sotho and Xhosa speakers, and I got quite good at identifying Sotho especially. I don’t seem to know any speakers of Southern African languages at the moment. But I can tell my Swiss German from German German, Gronings from Standard Dutch and my Teochiew from Hokkien…

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Okra. Its sliminess makes me gag.

Worst habit: Catastrophising. Procrastination comes a close second.
M: CW, I’m going to go ride my unicycle to the shops.
CW: [train of thought starts off that ends with CW a bitter dried up misanthropic hag with a cat allergy; variant is that M becomes a world famous unicycling juggler with hordes of adoring fans fawning over him, and CW a bitter dried up misanthropic… etc.]
The only good thing about this habit is that it tends to be internalised so most people are never subjected to it. (Poor M, on the other hand…)

X-rays: Teef.

Yummy foods I make: Can’t answer this because I am very lazy and don’t cook much, although I used to make a mean crème caramel, an eternity ago.

Zodiac sign: Do I have to answer this if I don’t believe in astrology? Might as well go the whole hog: Libran Metal Dog.

And while we’re on the subject of personal traits,my Bloginality is ISFJ! This apparently means that

In blogging, your journal will always be immaculate and have a touch of style. You may also feel overwhelmed because you want to be a part of everything going on. Because of your wonderful memory, other bloggers may come to you to ask about things you posted months before.

(Thanks to the Itinerant Librarian for the link.)



M 1 May 2006

Ooo world famous!

Maybe in another lifetime 😛

CW 3 May 2006

Well you’re famous in my world, M! *bats eyelashes to smarmy background muzak*
