Reality starts to set in…

The programme for the conference is finally up! It looks like I’ve been scheduled to present both my papers on the last day, one after the other (see the list for Friday 22 September. Hint: my papers are on wikis and blogging. Abstracts will be added soon, I believe). Now, I am pretty much a conference newbie in that I have attended a few conferences, but have never had the privilege of presenting a paper (much less two!) before. So, can anyone tell me, is presenting two papers like this going to be too horrendous an experience for me? Would it be better to have the presentations spread out – on different days, for instance?

It’s also a bit of a pity that my presentations are going to be on the last day of the conference. I had kind of been hoping to get them all done early so I didn’t have anything hanging over me all that week.

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Fiona 16 June 2006

I was the first speaker at ALIA04 (after the opening ceremonies etc) and at the time I was nervous, but yes it did get it out of the way early so I was grateful to the scheduling gods for that. Can’t believe it’s been 2 years since.

Then again, some people like talking later so they can work some discussion throughout the conference into their paper. “as so and so discussed yesterday….” etc

I think back to back with both papers is best, that way it’s all done at once! It shouldn’t be any worse to do two papers, you just have to talk for a bit longer! 🙂

CW 17 June 2006

Thanks Fiona 🙂 You’re right about it all being done at one hit, of course! And another thing about doing my presentations later, I can watch others and see what works and what doesn’t! Always a silver lining…