Weekends are for… memes

It’s the calm before the storm at the moment. M is still asleep, jl is blogging in her room, and there are no events on until lunch time (when JM, jl’s husband, arrives).

Just found a meme to do, on personal political. Always nice for weekends, memes. I tag myself!

1. One book you have read more than once
I don’t normally re-read books – a case of so many books, so little time. But there are a few that I pick up every so often, just because. To kill a mockingbird is one.

2. One book you would want on a desert island
I’m with Suze on this one, I think I’d need a survival guide. Would you believe I actually have a copy of Stay alive: A handbook on survival?

3. One book that made you laugh
Unreliable memoirs by Clive James. He just has such a way with words.

4. One book that made you cry
I seem to laugh more than cry when I read. Do I avoid sad books?

5. One book you wish you had written
Borderlands/La Frontera: The new mestiza by Gloria Anzaldúa.

6. One book you wish had never been written
I don’t know. Mein Kampf?

7. One book you are currently reading
Only one?? At the moment I’m reading An iron rose by Peter Temple. Also The world is flat by Thomas Friedman. And what about the ones on my bedside table? And the ones I’ve been eyeing?

8. One book you have been meaning to read
Again, only one? Would it be too cliched of me to say À la recherche du temps perdu by Proust? Or Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky? Or Hong lou meng (A dream of the red chamber) by Cao Xueqin, in Chinese?

9. One book that changed your life
I capture the castle by Dodie Smith. Why? Because, before I read this book, aged 13, most of what I read was by Enid Blyton. They were easy, fun, and entertaining, and everything else seemed like too much bother. Then I happened upon I capture the castle in the school library. I remember that it was a very worn-out Puffin paperback with crumbling pages and a binding held together with sticky tape. The fact that the story was told by Cassandra via her diary intrigued me and inspired me to begin my own diary. (I was frequently frustrated that my writing was no where near as lucid and eloquent as Cassandra’s… ) And I realised that there was more to reading than just the Famous Five or the Secret Seven or Mallory Towers

10. Now tag five people:
One dog said to the other (either Toxic Purity, or Skribe, or both.)



jl 13 August 2006

I will do this when i get back to Sydney. I need to be sitting in the vicinity of my books for this.

TB-) 15 August 2006

Hey CW, Thaks for the tag. Yours makes me think that there are still plenty of books out there to read!

CW 15 August 2006

No worries jl, looking forward to it 🙂

tb-) my pleasure 🙂 Yes there are definitely plenty of books still out there!!