Blogger Beta, more observations

So far I have no complaints about Blogger Beta, apart from forgetting that I need to log in using my Google account rather than my old Blogger details.

Noted so far:

  1. Blogger Beta is much faster when it comes to publishing posts. Is this because not many people are using it yet? (Or are they?) Or is this due to a change in the tech? (I don’t know what they have done that’s different, behind-the-scenes. Must investigate.)
  2. Comment notifications are now threads in my email. (Old Blogger sent single email notifications.) Which is nice because it makes it easier to see what people have responded to in previous comments.
  3. Blogger Beta doesn’t seem to be working with Flickr – I can’t blog a picture from Flickr. I’m not sure if this is because I’ve merely gotten my account details all wrong. In a recent conversation with family, we were laughing over how no one remembers phone numbers anymore now they are all stored on phones and so forth. I realise that I don’t remember my various account details very well either…!
  4. RSS feeds (at least the ATOM one) seem to be taking a lot longer to update.
  5. I can’t remember what else I was going to write! More as I come across it! So far I like it. It’s appealing because it feels new and shiny. I know, a very superficial reason for liking something…