The opposite of blogger’s burnout

Some mornings I just seem to faff about doing nothing much in particular, and then suddenly the Time to Get Ready For Work starts to loom and I haven’t done any blogging at all! There’s always so much to read and ponder in my aggregator. Cups of tea to drink. Sky to gaze at.

Chatting to Morgan yesterday I ruminated out loud* about how, lately:

i am in a real maelstrom at the moment, finding SO much stuff to blog but never ever getting round to it
very frustrating
i spose i should be thankful i don’t have Blogger’s Burnout 🙂

I save things to read or blog later, but the reality is that I only ever get back to a tiny tiny fraction of these saved things. At one point I was a bit stressed that I wasn’t getting back to things, but eventually I realised that given the sheer volume of stuff I wasn’t going to keep up, not unless I gave up my day job.

I do enjoy watching the huge gyroscope that is the blogosphere, whirring relentlessly along…

*As out loud as it’s possible to be in IM; I suppose I was making a bit of noise typing.


Angel, librarian and educator 11 September 2006

Don’t feel too bad. I am in exactly the same boat as of late: A lot of things I would like to blog about, but I don’t get to them. I save a lot of stuff for later possible blogging, but I am at a point that after a while I just delete a lot out of the clippings folder. One reason is if some A-lister picked it up, I see no reason to bother. Sometimes, it is just lack of time, and by the time I see it again, it just does not catch my eye as it did when I clipped it. Anyhow, I just try to go with the flow. Given work, I just look at this way: if it gets blogged, it does. If not, something will always come around. That gyroscope is always moving. Best, and keep on blogging.

CW 11 September 2006

Thanks Angel. You’re right, of course. After all, there is no deadline here so I should really stop imposing them on myself. And besides, what does it matter if I write about something some weeks or months after it was originally blogged about by someone else?

Jon Y 12 September 2006

Hey CW,

Here’s something else to put on the pile.