Meet Paco…

…The 16-week-old Chihuahua. He came from Sebdah Kennels.

“Where’s my dinner?”

Paco spent the night in a basket in our room, lying in an old doona. He settled quite well. He whimpered a bit but soon quietened when he realised we were going to sleep and he wasn’t going to get any attention. Initially i’d had the brilliant idea of confining him in the laundry for the night, but he hated this, and soon showed us that although he might be small his voice isn’t. He began by whimpering and grizzling, then started yipping and completed the performance with a serenade of amazing howling barks. I was sure we were keeping the whole neighbourhood up, so we relented and let him in our room. He’s obviously used to sleeping in his own bed, because he stayed there quite happily all night.

He’s now sitting in my lap gazing out the window at the birds eating. He’s a bit unsettled and nervous this morning but this will hopefully change as we establish a routine and he gets used to us. At the moment he’s a quiet little thing who just wants to sit with me. I wish I could stay home with him today.


jl 25 March 2007

Ok, am not a dog person, but Paco is VERY cute!!!! 🙂

Iris 26 March 2007

I’m so VERY much a dog person, and I hope you have a great time with this lil guy. Awwwww….

Kathryn Greenhill 26 March 2007

Aha..a fur person who can go out and run in the park with you, but still small enough to cuddle on your lap. Nice. Welcome Paco.

mooiness 26 March 2007

Congratulations on the new pet. Good luck with the toilet training. And watch out for the chewing – puppies do that. 😉

TB-) 26 March 2007

Aww how cute, hello Paco.

CW 26 March 2007

Thanks all 🙂 I hope he’s okay by himself. We have shut him up in a room with his bed, a toy, food and water, but I can’t help worrying that he will have chewed something he shouldn’t, or tried to climb and hurt himself, or something…

Simone 26 March 2007

Awww, so cute! (though I know they can be nasty little buggers, ha ha!)

If you haven’t got him it already, get him the type of toy which you can put food in, it’s challenging!
A ‘kong’is good, but get one at kmart, much cheaper than pet shop, same brand! They’re good to chew AND get biscuits out of. You can even freeze stuff in them, so it takes even longer to get something out!

I’m glad to read you got him from a proper kennel! 🙂 (not as many brownie points as a refuge, but much, much, much better than a pet shop! 😀 )

Have fun, dogs are wonderful (most of the time!)

tofu 26 March 2007

Chihuahua power!! 😉 There’s really no other kind of dog like them! Glad you guys went for one 🙂

What made you decide upon a chihuahua instead of a pug? Their complete awesomeness? 😉

The Daily Magnet 27 March 2007

Hola Paco!

Belongum 28 March 2007

Ahhhh – a new addition to the household… Welcome Paco – may your tuckerbowl always be full, and the bigger critters (them there humans) light-footed and caring!

Always avoided little dogs myself – mostly cos I just couldn’t see ’em down there – I’d do myself an injury!!! lol


CW 29 March 2007

Simone, yes I’ve had bad reports of chihuahuas, but I blame that on their owners rather than the dogs themselves… Paco passed his first test when my sister came over, he didn’t bark at her and instead wanted to play and have cuddles. Thanks for suggesting the kong! We got him one and it’s currently got peanut butter and puppy kibble stuffed in it. He loves it – it’s in a special place in his bed; actually he seems to keep ALL his toys in his bed.

tofu, first I wanted a chihuahua (based on your Ben of course!). M was reluctant. So I changed my mind and wanted a pug. M: they are so fuggly! So I said, what about a chihuahua then? M: Well ok! 😉

Muchas gracias, Daily Magnet 🙂

Hi Belongum, you’re right about having to be careful where you put your feet! I’m really paranoid of treading on Paco.

Laura 6 April 2007

I am finally catching up on your blog, and what do I get bug doglust! I’ve been wanting one quite badly for some time now. In any case, I hope all continues to go well with Paco. He certainly is cute.