Two dog household

Got my eye on you
The two dogs seem to be getting on okay, although there is a lot of growling (mostly Peppi growling at Paco) and chasing (taking it in turn to chase each other). Paco seems to give in to Peppi a lot. She will grab his toy or bone, and growl ferociously when he tries to take it back – Paco then backs down. He does seem to get his own back, by biting her a lot on the neck and leg. I use the term “bite” but he doesn’t seem to hurt her and she mostly ignores him when he does this. They wrestle a lot and quite roughly in the evenings, usually culminating with Paco standing on Peppi.

Peppi is quite different from Paco, personality-wise. She’s already barked a couple of times – at Paco, when trying to get him to surrender his toys to her, and when the neighbour revved his car at night. (Paco didn’t bark for months.) She’s a lot more athletic than Paco was, and has managed to scramble up human legs to get onto furniture and hops in and out of rubbish bins with acrobatic ease. I suspect/hope she will be easier to toilet train than Paco was – she seems to follow his lead when they’re out in the backyard, observing Paco very closely (almost getting peed on!) and then following his example herself.

It’s quite interesting to watch these dynamics. I wonder how this relationship will develop; I don’t think these two are friends now, and I hope they will eventually become friends.

MY lap
We’re trying to ensure that Paco’s routine is maintained as much as possible. This includes time on laps.

Two dog evening
They’re both quite keen for attention from M.


Penny 15 September 2008

😉 that little pleading face on the floor would be very hard to resist.

TB 15 September 2008

She is so cute, I hope they become friends!

CW 15 September 2008

Penny, she is hard to resist!

I hope so too, TB 🙂