Online Communities map

Great map (feels Ursula LeGuin-ish to me) – thanks M for the link! (Click on image for larger version.)

At the moment I generally bob around the Blogipeligo. In stormy weather I might get blown up into the Bay of Angst, and occasionally get washed up on the shores of the Wikipedia Project. I enjoy my excursions to Flickr and, but it’s been a while since I’ve ventured onto WoW island, though, and even longer since I’ve visited Second Life (which I find rather barren* boring, despite the friendly locals). I love the fact that much remains unmapped – MetaFilter? Twitter? LibraryThing? Ning? And where do libraries fit? (Or do they? Most of our web presences remain static and underdeveloped.)

Update, sometime later: in mentioning this map, danah boyd’s got another interesting take on it, and the online “world”, so to speak.

barren is probably carrying the island/environment analogy too far – I don’t think it’s quite fair to say SL is barren, even if I find it dull and clunky. I blame this on having had far more enjoyable experiences in gaming environments.