Blogs that make me think, three

Three: Half an Hour, written by Stephen Downes. Stephen writes so clearly and well, and always has a perspective I hadn’t considered. Take his two most recent posts, on Cat Blogging and Copyright and Creativity, Again, for example. And his post expressing his annoyance at having to change his Flickr details – while I just sulked, his post said it all.

Four: Library 2.0: An Academic’s Perspective, written by Laura Cohen. Laura often writes about things I’m pondering – but while I do so in a half-arsed sloppy way, she produces these great, well-considered posts that complement what I’m reading, help me focus and keep me thinking. Lately I’ve been thinking about the place of libraries within the communities they serve – I’m reading The Library: A Distinct Local Voice? and her post on online community spaces at universities: ohhhh! (see what I mean? Articulate, I am not particularly.)

Five, and finally: Tropic Temper by Glenda Larke. I’m cheating a bit because what I like most about Glenda’s blog is her photos of Malaysian jungles. See Royal Belum – so why don’t you go there? for example. I also learn a lot about the fauna, and about parts of Malaysia that you don’t normally hear/see much about.

Glenda is also a fantasy author. M and I have read her Isles of Glory trilogy, and M is currently reading the second book in the new Mirage Makers trilogy. He’s enjoying it immensely and even used a word I don’t often hear from him to describe it: “Compelling!” I think he’s a bit peeved that he picked the books up before all three books have been published, though. Not sure when book three comes out, probably next year.

So these are my five blogs that make me think. What are yours? I’ll tag… Kathryn, Fiona, snail, Peta, Morgan, Bronwyn, Michelle

Apparently there are rules for this meme:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).


CW 15 May 2007

Thanks Peta 🙂