
So now I’m back to using public transport to get to work again I’m looking forward to lots of reading on the train and reacquainting myself with my iPod.

On rotation this morning:


Yesterday for some reason I had six AC/DC songs on rotation on the way home. There’s something quite rejuvenating about listening to Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, loud, after a long day at the office.

I find myself wishing for something I can use to catch up on RSS subscriptions while sitting on the bus. In the meantime I’ll have to be content with paperbacks and other print reading materials.


Mickelodeon 16 May 2007

Congratulations on the blog move. I did the same thing a little over a year ago and haven’t been disappointed. Cheers!

CW 17 May 2007

Thanks Mickey 🙂

P.S. I love that Katharine Hepburn quote!