Twitter snafu

Twittter‘s been up and down and all over the place lately. I haven’t been receiving lots of tweets, and some of those arrive days late. This morning the page alternately displays as normal, and intersperses this error message:


I doubt the problems have anything to do with interest caused by the latest SMH article on Twitter, as they have been happening for some days now. More attention on this “latest killer app”, as the SMH terms it, can’t help, though.

Amusingly the article quotes me, “A Perth resident”, as saying that “I only use my mobile phone to Twitter when I’m away from a computer and have something to say, and the two don’t always coincide.” It’s interesting to ponder how journalists work these days: the guy who wrote the SMH article emailed me to ask if I’d noticed any problems with my mobile phone bill due to Twitter use. When writing about tech I imagine one wouldn’t even need to leave the comfort of one’s desk, and these days it’s possible, and cheap, to interview anyone, anywhere!

I told him no, but mused that it must be costing Twitter a fortune to send tweets to Australian mobiles, as they are using a UK provider. I don’t think they’ve managed to find an Australian provider yet.